First, go to BN.COM/BOOKFAIRS and select "start shopping now!" under the image for Barnes & Noble Bookfairs in the center of the screen. Proceed to the checkout screen once you have decided on your purchase(s).
Be sure to enter 10587251 in the bookfair ID space before placing your order!
If you are signed into an existing account, from the Checkout screen, click on the Change button on the upper right of the Payment tab. This will bring you to the full payment page where you can enter your bookfair ID (10587251) in the space at the bottom of the page.
If you are not already signed into an existing account, you will see a prompt "Check if this is a Bookfair Order". When you click on it, you will get a payment screen where you can enter your book fair ID number in the space provided. The book fair ID number for Seacoast Reads is 10587251.
***Please note: you MUST properly enter the ID into the space provided or Seacoast Reads will not get a donation!
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